Happy Birthday, Douglas Adams.

Today we mark the coming of a truly formidable mind. As certainly all of you know, Douglas Adams was a novelist, satirist, screen-write, and I’m told quite the MMA fighter (I made that last one up). His seminal series, A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, is a must-read classic of both the humor and sci-fi […]

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So a Funny Thing Happened…

Many of you may not know it, but in addition to writing, I’ve taken up stand-up comedy over the last few months. My first time on stage was back in June or July on a lark. A local comedy collective here in Milwaukee called the Caste of Killers was putting on an open-mic night, which […]

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After Action Report: VisionCon 2013

Hello nerdlings! After burning a day on such enticing activities as expense reports, I’m back up and running from a weekend in Springfield, Missouri. VisionCon was once again a great experience. It was going to be tough to top last year’s performance, but I think the organizers did so masterfully. A few personal highlights for […]

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D.C. Comics, Orson Scott Card, and Cognitive Dissonance

Morning, everyone. The big dust-up in the world of geeks this week comes courtesy of D.C. Comics decision to hire world-renown but controversial sci-fi writer Orson Scott Card to pen upcoming issues of Superman. And since everyone is sharing their opinions on the topic, I figured I’d get in on the action. I’ve actually struggled […]

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Thoughts on a Snowy Afternoon

Wisconsin finally decided to commit to the whole “winter” thing, so I’m here basically locked into the house for the day. A few things have cropped up in the community of writers and publishing in the last week or so, and I thought I’d take a minute to add my thoughts. First, there was the […]

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My FB page has reached 200 likes! Thanks to all my old fans, and all the new people who have just wandered in. As promised, here’s the celebratory short story, never before published. Titled “Unerring”, it is set in the Abyss Walker Universe, the same as my upcoming release, “The Wererat’s Tale: The Collar of […]

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Brain Droppings

If you’ve always wondered about what sort of sake writers drink, what they do to maintain their stellar physiques, their opinions on superhero movies, or the slow homogenization of the entertainment industry, wonder no more! Thursday’s interview with the Damsels of Dorkington is up, and it was a lot of fun. Look for these screwballs […]

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J.J. Abrams Assumes Role of Emperor

So, it’s been confirmed that J.J. Abrams will direct Episode VII. Okay, let me start off by saying AAAAAHHHH! MASSIVE GEEKGASM! Look, folks, Disney taking over Star Wars could ONLY be a good thing for the franchise. Just looking at what they did for Marvel’s second string of characters, (let’s be honest here, few cared […]

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One Art, please…

I have some covers to share today! First up is the artwork for Sarah Hans’ first anthology, “Sidekicks”. The deadly looking lady in purple is Stiletto, a character in my short “Coffee and Collaborators.” I’m honored she made the front. “Sidekicks” is being edited now and should be available soon. Next up is the final […]

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Escaping the Pile: Part VI

Good morning internets. Before we wrap up the slush pile series, I have a couple of housekeeping announcements to make. First, and most excitingly from my perspective, I’m going to be Thursday’s guest for the Damsels of Dorkington weekly video chat. I’ve hung out with these crazy kids at places like VisionCon and GenCon. They […]

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