Progress Bar…

Day 9 of NaNoWriMo, and day 2 without any political ads or phone calls. My word count isn’t where it needs to be, but it’s moving in the right direction. Contracts for Wererat’s Tale: The Collar of Perdition have been signed. I’ve taken a break from the oddly coincidental were-creature kick I had been on […]

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Good morning world. The week is starting out well, with contracts being signed for The Wererat’s Tale: The Collar of Perdition, progress being made on my second novel manuscript, and excitingly, a sale to The Beast Within 4: Gears and Growls anthology. This is my first apperance in this antho series. Edited by award-winning anthology […]

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Sesame Street Under Fire

M’kay. Going to steer a little political here. Generally, I try to keep such things off this page, but in this case, I feel too strongly. In regards to Mitt Romney’s claim that he wouldn’t cut education funding, yet would defund PBS, those are contradictory statements. I’ll ignore for the moment the absurdity of balancing […]

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Good news, everyone! The site has been reincarnated with WordPress, making updates and general maintenance much easier than it had been before. The result will be more brain trimmings from me than ever before. Maybe this is a positive development in your life, maybe not. Either way, I’m excited. A few things to announce with […]

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Brand new news to share. Firstly, The Crimson Pact: Volume III has hit the eShelves. For $4.99, you get fifteen demon-fighting stories from all over the multiverse. Many of your favorite characters return in sequels to stories from volumes I and II, while still others come from bright and shiny new faces for you to […]

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Hello Internets!

The last few weeks have been exciting around here. First of all, I need to talk about an amazing little convention in Springfield, MO called VisionCon. My After Action Report is a little late, but most of that was recovery time. In 2012, VisionCon entered it’s 20th year with a bang. I’ll say this, Missouri […]

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Okay, long time no see. Real life and the day job got in the way for a while there, but now I’m back in the saddle. So, while I was out, my Abyss Walker project, now tentatively titled The Plowman, has been submitted to the publisher for a final review. A publication date has yet […]

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SFWA Reception 2011 and Other News

Mmm, some big updates to post today. Firstly, I’ve recently returned from a SFWA reception in New York. They did it right, renting out a private room in Planet Hollywood on Times Square, complete with an open bar, which I’m sure some of the participants came to regret the next morning as they stumbled into […]

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If you tried to visit the site in the last couple of days, but were unable to, I do apologize. Apparently, I’m important enough now to be hacked by a gang of unemployed, basement-dwelling teens in Bangladesh. Although I must admit that I am astounded by their skills, what with the labyrinthine system of biometric […]

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The Crimson Pact: Volume II

The Crimson Pact: Volume II is up and running on Amazon today. For your $5, you get 28 stories from all over the demon-fighting multiverse. You like steam-punk? We have you covered. Urban-fantasy, horror, sci-fi? There’s something here for you. With over 500 pages, it’s a great value. My short story, “Monsters in the Closet” […]

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