Category: News

My Silent Struggle with Imposter Syndrome

  It’s something we’ve been hearing a lot about lately from authors, musicians, artists, and comedians. In tearful blog posts and podcasts, creatives of all stripes are beginning to come forward and publicly talk about their fight against this seemingly pervasive, yet little known condition. Of course I speak of Imposter Syndrome: the persistent, debilitating […]

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Introducing The Sci-Fi Science Podcast!

  Hello, interweb peeps. Most of you probably know me as either a comedian or author, but did you know that I also co-host a (relatively) new book review podcast? Well, I co-host a new book review podcast. It’s called Sci-Fi Science, and once a month my co-host, Dr. Krista-Lee Malone and I get together in […]

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Ten Tips From Sheet To Shelf

Last weekend, I spent four glorious days in Seattle at the 14th Emerald City ComicCon selling and signing my new release, surrounded by other authors, throngs of readers, and more than a few aspiring writers. It’s pretty easy to spot the serious ones. Those people right on the cusp of making a real go of it. […]

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THE ARK Heads to Germany!

Ich bin glücklich und fühle mich geehrt bekannt geben zu dürfen, dass mein erster Roman, THE ARK, vom Drömer Knaur Verlag erworben wurde. Im Frühjahr 2017 soll dann die Übersetzung in Deutschland veröffentlich werden. Außerdem bin ich dankbar meine Arbeit mit meinen neuen Science-Fiction-liebenden Lesern zu teilen und hoffe, dass jeder so viel Spaß beim […]

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Trident’s Forge Launches!

I should probably make mention that my second novel, TRIDENT’S FORGE, launches today. The second book in the Children of the Dead Earth series, TRIDENT’S FORGE picks up three years after the events of THE ARK after humanity has reached their new home in the Tau Ceti system. Bryan Benson is joined by two additional point […]

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Sander’s Coming Crash

Congratulations, Sanders supporters. Your candidate had a great night. He swept all three state caucuses last night by huge margins, and has won five out of the last six contests. He’s closed the gap between himself and Clinton significantly for the first time. It was probably the single best night of his entire campaign. I’m […]

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Kansas Makes Persecution Profitable

Yesterday, I tweeted this joke in response to the government of North Carolina passing and signing the completely asinine and unnecessary bill overturning local ordinances in cities like Raleigh extending civil rights protections to the LGTB community and free use of public restrooms to the transgendered: North Carolina is searching for volunteers to inspect kids’ genitals before […]

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6 Ways to Manage the Post-Con Crash

Me by Sunday afternoon at C2E2 It’s Monday, and I just survived an absolutely hellacious weekend split between geeking out and selling books at my first C2E2 in Chicago, and hosting for some great comics at Comedy Café, in Milwaukee. Five shows, forty books, and four-hundred miles of living-the-dream later, I am completely and utterly […]

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Burn Calories and Bullies at the Gym

  I went to the gym today to run a few miles, as I do a few times a week in the winter. Between miles, I sometimes hop on a row machine for a few minutes just to change muscle groups. While I was rowing, a lady was on a stairmaster next to me. I […]

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Welcome to Weimar

A Secret Service agent assigned to Donald Trump’s security detail slammed a credentialed Time magazine photographer to the floor by his throat at a rally in Virginia today. Predictably, a flood of internet cockroaches wearing tiny brown shirts rushed to find a way to justify this assault on our free press, or even outright lie about the sequence […]

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